Auxiliary to BCCH – Impact Report
Therapeutic Clown
Since 1994 the Auxiliary has provided funding for The Therapeutic Clown Program. This program provides for weekly hospital visits with inpatients and the outpatient clinics monthly. Therapeutic Clowns Fizzie and Cosmo make up BC Children’s MIRTH Unit (Medicine Incorporating Remedies that Tickle the Heart). Established more than 25 years ago by Paul Hooson, this popular program serves young patients and their families on inpatient wards and outpatient clinics across the BCCH campus. Visiting days are most Tuesdays and Thursdays when Cosmo (Melissa Aston) and Fizzie (Sand Northrup) animate the halls , bedsides, playrooms and treatment rooms wherever they are needed.
Education Endowment Grants
The Auxiliary to BC Children’s Hospital is thrilled to be able to provide financial assistance through their annual education endowment fund to volunteers and health care providers for the pursuit of educational opportunities that will enhance the care provided for children and families at BC Children’s Hospital.
Congratulations to Aryelah C. Simon, recipient of the 2024 Mary Lou Hunter Award from the Auxiliary to BC Children’s Hospital Education Endowment Fund
Treasure Chest
The treasure chest is a wonderful program that provides little boxes of joy to children in outpatient and inpatient clinics within the hospital.
They are a key support service for clinics and families.
Child Life
The Auxiliary’s support in the Child Life has meant children and youths have had access to programs that help them cope with anxiety, unfamiliarity and isolation that is often associated with illness and extended hospital stays. Child Life specialists endeavour to meet each family’s unique emotional and social needs.
Music Therapy
Through activities like songwriting, making music videos, and improvisation these kids forgot about their pain, their fears and their illness long enough to remember what it’s like to have fun and just be a kid. Patients and families from the sixth and seventh floors of the TECK Acute Care Centre are drawn in by the sights and sounds of the piano, the electronic drum kit and a variety of instruments and recording equipment.
Mental Health
The Auxiliary has impacted care through:
Support of psycho-educational and therapeutic groups for children and youth including supplies for expressive therapies and nutritional need * weekly yoga classes * patient outings – up to 10 kids per group take part in various recreational outings such as the Japanese gardens at UBC, a quick trip for ice cream on a hot day * therapeutic re-integration into the community (i.e. learning life skills such as how to grocery shop)